Shelter Insurance

Insurance Claims Intern

May - August 2018 • Columbia, MO

What I liked

I liked the entire experience of the application process, the interviews and my internship in general. Everyone at Shelter Insurance is really nice and they are very helpful. I loved my managers and supervisors in the claims department. I learned a vast number of things, just not in claims but about life as a whole. I gained more experience in data and customer service skills. I became friends with fellow interns who ere in different departments, and we often hung out outside of work and we still do! Shelter was a great place to intern and grow.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have gotten to work outside of the office and actually see and work on auto claims.


I would advise people that insurance is kind of slow, so definitely be prepared to sit for 8 hours. Be open minded because there are a lot of roles in insurance and a lot to learn.
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