John Deere

Product Engineering Intern

May - August 2023 • Moline, IL

What I liked

I liked everything. The subsidized, housing, the technical work, the interesting projects, the site visits, the people, everything was amazing.

What I wish was different

I wish internships were longer. I wish more were structured the way mine was because it's very hit-or-miss for internships.


Give it your all, do your best, keep up, effort speaks volumes.
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Part Time Student Engineer

July 2023 • Fargo, ND

What I liked

I like being able to apply my studies to real world problems and examples. I also like how much I've learned and how I continue to learn every day.

What I wish was different

I wish the onboarding would've been easier and more seamless.


One piece of advice I'd share is to not underestimate yourself. If want to apply to a position, apply and be confident in your abilities. As long as you've shown dedication to your study and you want to learn more daily, you should never underestimate your skills.
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Data Science Intern

June - August 2021 • Moline, IL

What I liked

I was amazed by just how friendly and helpful every single person I interacted with was. There was never a moment where I felt a question/concern of mine wasn't welcome. I was also incredibly pleased with how welcoming the internship process as a whole was. Not only were there numerous welcome/information sessions throughout the summer to acclimate the interns, but they were kind enough to send all kinds of Deere merch and care packages throughout the summer. Overall, an amazing first internship experience.

What I wish was different

Due to COVID restrictions and guidelines, I spent most of the summer working remotely. While I did get to visit Deere's headquarters in Moline, IL once at the end of the summer, I would've loved to spend more time there. I look forward to spending more time there in my second internship at Deere this coming summer!


If you initially get rejected for an internship/opportunity, don't give up. I had initially applied for the position in fall of 2020 and was rejected for the position. While I was disappointed, I kept my eye on the information page for the position for some time just in case. In April of 2020, the application for the position reopened, I applied again, and was offered the position! Persistence truly pays off.
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Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Olathe, KS

What I liked

The internship allowed me to develop personal characteristics that allowed my skill set to grow.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had the opportunity to interact with more diverse interns.


I would encourage students to ask questions about anything that interests them.
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Part-Time Student

February 2021 • Milan, IL

What I liked

I loved the experience I got! Everyone at my office was kind, helpful and supportive. My experience has allowed me to grow in many ways.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have started sooner!


Always do your best in the work you are doing!
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Supply Management Intern

June - August 2020 • Horicon, WI

What I liked

The flexibility to choose what projects I focused on.

What I wish was different

I wish it has been in person. Yet, this is understandable since this was during COVID.


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Data Analytics Intern

August 2021 • Davenport, IA

What I liked

The flexibility of the Internship is very nice. They allow you to work within the constraints of your schedule.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more direction and hands on work with me. Much of the time I have little to no help, or having to make myself busy.


It is overall a good internship with solid coworkers. I would recommend trying to get more direction from your supervisor if they aren't busy.
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Human Resources Intern

March 2021 • Moline, IL

What I liked

I liked how I was able to get an insight into the many different facets of HR. I was able to dip my foot into compensation, recruiting, learning and development, etc.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been more variety in my day. It was a lot of sitting at the computer doing much of the same thing.


I would say to keep an open mind and be eager to learn about any avenue you can get your hands on. I was able to help with global mobility management, which I found fascinating and did not realize was an HR function.
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Part Time Student

March 2021 • Moline, IL

What I liked

Working with professionals in my field and learning about real world applications

What I wish was different

I wish I had more ways to connect to other part time students to hear their experiences


I would recommend it to anyone. I would say that you shouldn’t be shy when you first start, many of the employees are very willing to help
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Quality Engineer

May - July 2021 • Davenport, IA

What I liked

I liked the company and how they organized there work and projects

What I wish was different

I wish I had the oppurtunity to be on site for more than a week


John Deere is a really good company that respects its employees and recognizes hard work
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Supplier Quality Intern

June - August 2020 • Springfield, MO

What I liked

They decided to make all of the interns work remotely because of COVID, and I am glad that they still had me do a project-based internship. It was a virtual version of a regular internship rather than a non-project based program, like many companies chose to do. I accomplished a lot on my team of interns, and my manager and coworkers were super available throughout the internship, albeit virtually.

What I wish was different

The communication regarding return offers has not been great, as their hiring schedule was messed up due to COVID and other factors.


Be intentional about networking, especially if your internship is in a virtual environment. It's okay to set up meetings to talk to higher-level managers or other employees in the company, and in fact it is encouraged. You can get a really great network if you just show interest.
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Software Developer Intern

June - August 2020 • Urbandale, IA

What I liked

John Deere really cares about developing their employees. We had several training sessions on how to be a better employee, working with your manager and others. It was the most rewarding experience ever. All the people there were incredible to work with and exceedingly kind-hearted salt of the earth people.

What I wish was different

The internship was switched to a virtual one due to covid. I would have preferred an in-person experience.


If you ever have the opportunity to work for John Deere, do not pass it up.
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Product Engineer

June - August 2020 • Dubuque, IA

What I liked

I was given interesting design projects and felt a sense of accomplishment after finishing them. I learned a lot of Creo skills along the way.

What I wish was different

Unfortunately it was moved online due to the pandemic, but still a worthwhile experience. Would have loved to see the team in person, but ultimately I was glad that it was virtual to keep everyone safe.


Don't be afraid to ask questions, form a good connection with a mentor.
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Part time student manufacturing engineer

April 2019 • Dubuque, IA

What I liked

Getting experience for my job

What I wish was different

I could work more than 40 hours a week


Take it when you can
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Product Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Moline, IL

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to work on meaningful projects. I received valuable work experience in technical areas of design, simulation, and testing as well as professional areas associated with working for a large company. Everyone I worked with was very willing to help me learn and they contributed very positively to my internship experience.

What I wish was different

I was very satisfied with my internship and there isn't anything I can think of to improve it.


Take opportunities to learn by asking questions and stepping out of your comfort zone.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - September 2019 • Moline, IL

What I liked

I enjoyed working with a partner to deliver software to the John Deere Seeding Group. The work life at John Deere is very sustainable and enjoyable. Interns are treated very well and given many opportunities for networking and fun events.

What I wish was different

I wish that John Deere offered more internships during the Spring or Fall semesters to continue my internship experience.


Don't be afraid to apply for positions you think you might not like. I am an electrical engineering major and enjoyed my software engineering internship very much.
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Analytics Intern

May - August 2019 • Des Moines, IA

What I liked

The internship program at Deere is incredible, and they really treat their interns well. I loved meeting other interns and being able to collaborate and learn from co-workers. Everyone that works there is very nice.

What I wish was different

I was put into a position that didn’t have as much exposure to analytics teams at Deere as I would’ve liked. They made sure that we were able to at least learn about other analytics teams around Deere, though.


Take advantage of all the opportunities Deere gives you as an intern. My summer is very memorable as I got to know other interns and got to know various parts of the company.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Davenport, IA

What I liked

The variety in the work I got to do and the mentor ship involved

What I wish was different


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Material coordinator

May 2019 • Davenport, IA

What I liked

The people are wonderful, and there's so much opportunity to learn.

What I wish was different


Always ask questions.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Ankeny, IA

What I liked

The amount of projects always kept me busy and really extended my knowledge and soft skills at the same time. We had many events with other interns and it made it such a fun summer!

What I wish was different

Absolutely nothing!


I would say to take advantage of every opportunity that’s presented to you. Go to that optional training, attend every intern event and don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you specifically want to talk to because they will be thrilled to talk to you!
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