Google, Inc.

Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Experience was very fun, very productive!

What I wish was different


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Engineering intern

May - August 2018 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


It allowed me to be more confident in my abilities.
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UI Developer

May - August 2018 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Learning new concepts, technologies & platforms on the fly. Also, it was great observing how giants in technology such as Google are able to seamlessly collaborate with Developer geographically spread out.

What I wish was different

Although I have been working with Google as a contact developer prior to the Google Summer of Code 2018 program, I do wish this program was a four month duration.


Never stop asking questions, strengthen your ability to be a critical thinker, and lastly be prepared to communicate clearly & effectively.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

What I wish was different


Take team matching very seriously - from talking to other interns it seems somewhat common to be matched up with an uninteresting project. Know your own value!
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Great office, great people, very interesting and challenging work. There is a awesome support system, and expectation of excellence.

What I wish was different


Go for it and apply. Google loves Howard students. Keep up our good reputation!
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SWE Intern

June - August 2018 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

A lot of freedom around designing my own project, incredibly smart coworkers.

What I wish was different


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Engineering Practicum intern

May - August 2017 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

It was my first internship and I received a lot of support and guidance. I also got to meet some amazing people.

What I wish was different

I wish I got more work. My project ended early and I had nothing to do for a while.


If you want a certain experience ask for it. If you know someone working on something you find interesting see if you can get involved. The limitations you have are only the ones you put on yourself.
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Associate Product Manager Intern

May - August 2018 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

I loved my experience! It was incredibly rewarding to work with my team and see our project develop into something that could have a real impact on users.

What I wish was different


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Site Reliability Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Dublin, Ireland

What I liked

What I wish was different


If you're thinking about moving out of the US, definitely try to do an international summer internship. That said, if you really don't think you want to, it's not a great way to just travel and get paid for it because doing an internship (especially somewhere outside of the US which causes a lot of logistical difficulties) is exhausting. Oh and if you're working in tech, pay attention to average salaries - they are WAY different in Ireland than the US
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Engineering Practicum Intern

May - August 2018 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

I learned a lot - not just about programming and software development (design, code reviews, unit testing, etc etc) but also soft skills about how to communicate with coworkers, present my project, and build relationships. I also gained a ton of insight into their internal relations and how they organize the company. I had two supervisors to seek advice from as well as a mentor from an unrelated team. Most importantly they offered a lot of intern / company events and had amazing food all the time.

What I wish was different

There were a lot of resources on how to start with the basics of all their in-house dev tools and codebase, but I just wish there was a bit more documentation on the more advanced / niche topics, like the specifics of how the product I was working on was designed from a high-level standpoint. I learned mostly by wading through the source code and asking my supervisors directly.


Take advantage of all the things they offer, especially the people around you - talk to people, ask questions, attend events, use the learning resources. Make friends and build relationships.
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Engineering Practicum Intern

May - August 2018 • Sunnyvale, CA

What I liked

I really appreciated how much support I received from my managers and my team members as I was learning so many new things at once. Not only did they help me learn about Google specific practices, but they were patient when my technological knowledge was not deep enough to start my task on my own.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more control over the type of project that I worked on this summer, as I was not interested in doing frontend web development but that was the team that I was matched to.


Be open and honest with your manager about where you are struggling, so that you can be more efficient in your efforts to improve your independence as a contributor to the team.
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Engineering Practicum Intern

May - August 2018 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Everything! I had an interesting project, a supportive team, and I learned a ton!

What I wish was different

Nothing really lol


Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

What I wish was different


In my experience, you don't need to know anyone on the inside to get an interview or internship. They do look at every application, so make sure yours is relevant and polished.
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Software Engineer

May - August 2017 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

The projects for Google internships are well thought out and organized. You will feel challenged, but have a strong support system of mentors, technical classes, and peers to help you make significant contributions to the company.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more opportunities to learn about the projects other employees and interns were working on. Because Google is so big, people's experiences on different teams and campuses can be so unique.


Set up meetings with people from as many different teams as possible while at Google (Android, Chrome, Infrastructure, Machine Learning, etc.)!
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Software engineering intern

June - September 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

My team was really great, and there were significant opportunities for mentorship.

What I wish was different


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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2017 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Amount of resources I had to promote my personal growth

What I wish was different

I can't complain. It was great.


Explore as much as you can! Try many many things.
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Software (Site Reliability) Engineering Intern

May - August 2017 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

Company culture; perks; food; challenging project; nice and like-minded people.

What I wish was different

I wish the host matching process to be more straight-forward.


Communicate well with your team and take the opportunity to learn from others (including fellow interns).
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Engineering Practicum Intern

June - August 2017 • Taipei, Taiwan

What I liked

I got to own my individual intern project that had high impact on the work of ChromeOS developers at Google around the world.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have better prioritized the features I was going to implement and make sure they full worked before trying to implement additional features.


Set expectations with your mentor/manager early and check in frequently.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2017 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

It was amazing! I enjoyed every bit of it.

What I wish was different

Rent prices :)


Apply early and practice tech interview questions!
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2017 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Being at HQ

What I wish was different

Didn't like team-matching process


Make sure you get a good team
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