Google, Inc.

Engineering Practicum Intern

May - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

The job was really interesting, and co-workers were wicked smart and very patient.

What I wish was different

Forming deeper social bonds was difficult.


Have activities outside of work were you can make further connections.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

It was an amazing experience! Everyone was really friendly and I got to work on really interesting and impactful projects.

What I wish was different

I wish Austin wasn't so hot lmao


Communicate often with your hosts.
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STEP Intern

August - September 2019 • Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture

What I liked

I got a lot of mentorship and emotional support from employees, including my internship host and my recruiter. I also made mentee-mentor relationship with more senior interns. I got to overcome my imposter syndrome.

What I wish was different

N/A (I had an awesome experience).


Don’t overwork.
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BOLD Intern

June - August 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Great people, great benefits, open work culture, freedom and resources to get work done

What I wish was different

More formal feedback given


Be extra proactive with getting feedback, not just your manager, but everyone you work with throughout the summer
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I learned how to apply my computer science education to real world applications and I got experience in web development

What I wish was different

Nothing, it was everything that I expected and more


Take advantage of all the contacts you will come across because I learned so much just from talking to people in a non-professional environment
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Engineering Practicum Intern

May - August 2019 • Cambridge, MA

What I liked

I think the program is perfect for underclassmen who are interested in software engineering but don't yet have much experience in the field. I liked how I received so much support and mentorship throughout the internship, and everyone I met in the company was extremely friendly and always willing to help. I definitely learned a lot this summer and made great friends that I'm still in touch with.

What I wish was different

I think the experience couldn't have been better. However I acknowledge that my team/the company as a whole is heavily male-dominated, and I wish there was more diversity in the team.


Regarding application - show your passion for computer science in your application essays and the interview! Regarding the internship itself - try to make the most out of this experience by initiating meetings with different people (from different teams/backgrounds, with different positions/areas of expertise etc.) People love interns and are always happy to grab coffee with you to chat about career & give advice!
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • San Bruno, CA

What I liked

It's a huge company, and of course has the resources of a huge company! Beyond the internal development tools (which were a dream --> there are so many tools to help you get your work done better and faster), there were always classes I could attend to learn extra skills, and the ERGs (basically, clubs for employees) were an awesome way to get to know people beyond my team and connect with people with similar interests. Also, I'm a big fan of SF.

What I wish was different

There aren't as many organized intern events as you might get at a smaller company. Mainly, we were left on our own devices to plan things among ourselves.


This holds for any software engineering internship, but I found it most helpful to remember that it's okay and encouraged to ask lots of questions - but do your due diligence first! Your manager wants to help you, and being stuck on the same problem all day doesn't get anything productive done. But you also want to show that you've put some effort into trying to debug on your own before running to your manager for help. To strike the right balance, before asking a question I would document what I had attempted so far, and lay out plans for what I might next try, and then ask my manager for his input.
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KSS Global Account Specialist

August 2019 • Tempe, AZ

What I liked

Easy, relaxing, great benefits

What I wish was different

hiring process would be a lot easier


1 page resume
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid of learning new things and challenging yourself.
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May - August 2019 • Hamburg, IA

What I liked

Being able to babysit and was able to spend time with my kids as well.

What I wish was different

Done more activities


Always have plans
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Cambridge, MA

What I liked

It was a really helpful experience and i learnt a lot of cool concepts. I got to work on a site reliability team and understand how things work in the software engineering industry.

What I wish was different

I am not that particular about anything, and my internship went well, but I personally saw other interns dislike the experience. Either they felt like the workload was too much, the workload was too little or they had issues with their manager.


Try to learn as much as you can.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Very generous perks and a great work environment.

What I wish was different

The time it takes for them to get back to you.


Ask returning interns what made their experiences successful.
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UX Design Intern

May - August 2019 • Sunnyvale, CA

What I liked

Great opportunities to learn

What I wish was different

Intern housing :/


Be sure to ask as many questions while you can, and don’t be afraid to ask for help!
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hardware intern

May - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

The work environment.

What I wish was different

The process from the beginning of recruitment can be reduced. It takes almost 3-4 months.


It’s one of the best internship in the World for tech enthusiasts.
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BOLD Intern

June - August 2019 • Ann Arbor, MI

What I liked

One thing I loved about my experience at the Google Ann Arbor office was how my managers, mentors and peers treated me with the same respect as if I were a full-time employee. I underwent the same rigorous training as the full-time roles, and we all worked together towards the same goal. It's incredible how much the company invests into their interns and I felt respected and appreciated through every aspect of my work. Truly grateful for this opportunity.

What I wish was different


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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Sunnyvale, CA

What I liked

Really liked the team that I was on and the project.

What I wish was different

Should have asked more questions.


It's more likely that you will work on an interesting team and project if you are very specific about what you want during project selection.
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Software Engineer

May - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Meaningful project that had real impact at the company and wasn't rigidly defined so that I could gain the experience of ironing out difficult details with customers across the world.

What I wish was different


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Engineering Practicum Intern

May - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

Google was incredibly open and I felt accepted even though I was a Noogler. Everyone was very helpful and understanding. Their benefits were amazing, including paid-for meals and free gym usage. In addition to this, they had a group for every type of person. They had gaming groups, sports groups, any group you could think of. All of this made for an incredibly inclusive environment

What I wish was different


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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Google is a company where there are always new opportunities to learn, and every employee is happy to take time to help you grow and succeed!

What I wish was different


Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make connections, learn from everyone around you
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Engineering Practicum Intern

May - August 2019 • Sunnyvale, CA

What I liked

I really liked the people that I worked with; they were all extremely friendly, smart and helpful, and contributed to me learning so much over the summer. I also enjoyed getting a feel for what a real software engineering role would be like, since it's very different from a college environment.

What I wish was different


Take advantage of the resources provided to you. Ask for help from your host/manager if you need it, take classes if they are offered, and meet people who work on things different from you; all of these things will give you a more well-rounded experience and teach you things you won't learn at school directly.
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